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学术OneFile (通过Gale)
Multi-disciplinary database includes scholarly journals and millions of articles in full text in PDF and HMTL.

学术搜索总理 (通过EBSCO)
Multi-disciplinary database with extensive full-text coverage of scholarly journals.

APA PsycInfo (通过EBSCO)
An abstracting and indexing database from the American Psychological Association with more than 3 million records devoted to peer-reviewed literature in the behavioral sciences and mental health.

Artstor (校外? 使用此链接: 校外 访问艺术家)
"The Artstor Digital Library is a nonprofit resource that provides more than one million digital images in the arts, 体系结构, 人文学科, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research."

偏差表 (“媒体偏见图”) (来源:Ad Fontes Media)
An interactive chart that lists news media sources in two dimensions: news value and reliability, 在纵轴上, 和偏见, 在横轴上.

传记:语境中的盖尔 (通过Gale)
Provides biographies, full text articles, and images of over 500,000 people. 许多参赛作品包括音频和视频剪辑.


商业洞察:要点 (通过Gale)
合并以前在Business中找到的所有内容 & 公司资源中心有一个新的界面. 查找公司信息, 行业, 更多的是在即时新闻的背景下, 统计数据, 以及深度报道.

商业来源首选 (通过EBSCO)
业务范围涵盖所有业务领域, 包括市场营销, 管理, 会计, finance, 和经济学.

彼得森公司的《亚洲博彩平台排名》, now 职业 & Careers (通过Gale)
“找出最适合你的职业, 研究潜在的职业选择, and explore the requirements and outlooks for the occupations you're interested in."

《亚洲博彩平台排名》 (通过泰勒 & 弗朗西斯)
Explores contemporary issues in higher 教育 with peer-reviewed articles.

News, 信息, advice, 当前职位列表, and career-building tools for college and university faculty members and administrators.

通信 & 大众媒体 (通过Gale)
"All aspects of communications, including advertising, public relations, and more."

CQ研究员 (来源CQ Press)
关于健康的深度报告, 社会趋势, 刑事司法, 国际事务中, 教育, 环境, 技术, 还有经济.

Database of open access journals covering all scientific and scholarly subjects. 期刊可以按标题或广泛的主题领域浏览.  Articles are searchable by article author or title, ISSN, journal title, abstract, or key words. 纳入DOAJ, journals must use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access and must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control.

Searches millions of resources in the Library’s physical collection and online resource databases all at once.
(It searches nearly every resource on this page, excluding: CQ研究员, Issues & 论战,新闻全文数据库大学, PubMed和Statista.)

多样性的研究 (通过Gale)
"Explore cultural differences, contributions, and influences in the global community."

教育工作者参考资料 (通过Gale)
Hundreds of full-text academic journals and reports, and many reference sources. 重点是教育原则, 儿童发展与心理学, 以及教育的最佳实践.

(百科全书) 大英百科在线学术版

创业 (通过Gale)
“学习如何创办、融资或管理你的小企业. 包括样本业务计划,如何指导,文章,和更多."

埃里克:(教育资源信息中心) (通过EBSCO)
Articles, books, conference proceedings, and other resources for 教育. (Now available via the EBSCO interface—the interface 学术搜索总理 uses—for more powerful search and retrieval options.)

关注自闭症 & 其他发育障碍
一本由Sage出版社出版的同行评议的季刊. 为教师提供切实可行的教育和治疗建议, trainers, and parents of persons with autism or other pervasive developmental disabilities."

性别研究 (通过Gale)
"Balanced coverage of topics related to gender studies, family and marital issues, and more."

一般OneFile (通过Gale)
Popular and academic content from a variety of newspapers, trade 杂志, and scholarly journals.

研究 articles on the relationship between human beings and 环境. 主题包括全球变暖,循环利用和替代燃料来源.

Health & 生命科学,科学指导 (通过爱思唯尔)
超过1200种健康和生命科学期刊的全文.搜索整个ScienceDirect数据库超过4个,400种生命科学期刊, 健康科学, 物理科学 & 工程学、社会科学和人文科学. Some titles are full-text, and the rest can be requested via interlibary loan

Health & 健康 (通过Gale)
Health reference books, 杂志, newsletters, journals, and websites.

Issues & 争议 (通过Infobase)
Objective analyses of hot topics in business, politics, government, 教育, and popular culture. 报告比 CQ研究员.

Issues & 历史争议 (通过Infobase)
Background, outcomes, and contemporary points of view on contentious issues in American and world history. 包括文章,传记,时间表,主要文件,和更多.

一本由Sage出版社出版的同行评议的双月刊杂志. "The only journal devoted exclusively to research and clinical issues related to attention."

《亚洲最大体育平台》杂志 & 转型学生
"A semiannual refereed journal providing current research and scholarship on the first college year and other student transitions [...研究与学生成功有关的因素."

一本由Sage出版社出版的同行评议的月刊. “一个多学科, international publication [that] presents work and comments related to learning disabilities."

A free service for researchers that indexes the most current scholarly papers from journals with an international coverage. 包括目录(toc)从超过33,000多份期刊直接从3,700年出版.

"JoVE is the world-leading producer and provider of science videos with the mission to improve scientific research and 教育."

Search text (JSTOR) and images (Artstor): "more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, 以及75个学科的第一手资料." The Landmark College Library provides access to all the images from Artstor and the open-source text from JSTOR. 非开源文本可以通过 馆际互借.


LegalTrac (通过Gale)
LegalTrac®提供1个以上的索引,包括主要法律评论在内的400种图书, 法律的报纸, 律师协会期刊, 以及国际法律期刊."

LexisNexis学术 is now 新闻全文数据库大学


媒介偏差图 (来源:Ad Fontes Media)
An interactive chart that lists news media sources in two dimensions: news value and reliability, 在纵轴上, 和偏见, 在横轴上.


纽约时报 (地标书院团体入场证)
全文可从1851年至今. (Note: 1923年至1980年期间的文章每天最多只能发表5篇.)

  • 第一次用户: 在校园里,使用这个 注册链接. NYTimes.Com将允许您创建一个免费帐户并登录.
    (需要帮助? Ask us!)
  • 访问大约一年后出现访问问题的用户: 
    您需要通过。重新验证您的帐户 注册链接,而且你必须在校园里.
    不要选择“创建帐户”,选择“已拥有帐户”? 在这里登录."
    You could have a Library staff member reauthenticate for you if you send one of us your login.

OneFile新闻 (来自Gale,原InfoTrac报摊,但已升级)
提供了2300多个美国主要军事基地.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. Also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts and transcripts."

开放的论文 (通过EBSCO)
Search thousands of open-source (free full-text) dissertations on a vast array of topics.

语境中的对立观点 (通过Gale)
对有争议问题的不同观点. 包括照片、图表、图形和音频.

PowerSearch (通过Gale)
交叉搜索多个Gale数据库,包括学术OneFile, InfoTrac报摊, 对立观点资源中心, 和教育者参考资料完整.

PsycInfo (“APA PsycInfo”,来自EBSCO)
An abstracting and indexing database from the American Psychological Association with more than 3 million records devoted to peer-reviewed literature in the behavioral sciences and mental health.

出版仪 (通过EBSCO)
图书馆所有全文期刊的可搜索列表, 杂志, 和报纸, 无论是网上的还是印刷的.

PubMed (U.S. 国立卫生研究院国立医学图书馆)
来自MEDLINE的生物医学文献超过3200万次引用, 生命科学期刊, 还有网上书籍. 包括链接全文在可用的地方.

地区商业新闻 (通过EBSCO)

ScienceDirect健康 & 生命科学 (通过爱思唯尔)
超过1200种健康和生命科学期刊的全文.搜索整个ScienceDirect数据库超过4个,400种生命科学期刊, 健康科学, 物理科学 & 工程学、社会科学和人文科学. Some titles are full-text, and the rest can be requested via interlibary loan.

ScienceDirect社会 & 行为科学 (通过爱思唯尔)
Full text of over 500 journals in subjects including psychology and 教育. 搜索整个ScienceDirect数据库超过4个,400种生命科学期刊, 健康科学, 物理科学 & 工程学、社会科学和人文科学. Some titles are full-text, and the rest can be requested via interlibary loan.

Social & 行为科学,ScienceDirect (通过爱思唯尔)
Full text of over 500 journals in subjects including psychology and 教育. 搜索整个ScienceDirect数据库超过4个,400种生命科学期刊, 健康科学, 物理科学 & 工程学、社会科学和人文科学. Some titles are full-text, and the rest can be requested via interlibary loan.

Integrates 统计数据 on over 80,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single portal. 涵盖媒体、商业、金融、政治等.

职业 & Careers (通过Gale)
"Provides access to journals and 杂志 that aid users in researching a vocation, 找到合适的学习机构, 找工作, 维持职业生涯."

世界历史 (通过Gale)
"Balanced coverage of events in world history and scholarly work being established in the field."


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