


  • The objective of the proposed study is to test the effectiveness of a verbalization and reflection interventional technique as a metacognitive support for college students while they engage in learning tasks. 除了调查这项技术的功效, another aim of the proposed study is to observe its relative effect when used by students with executive function (or EF: a term used to refer to a group of cognitive functions used to facilitate goal-directed problem solving) limitations, 比如那些表现出多动症症状的人. The specific intervention to be examined would entail training students to reflect on their cognitive processes during an academic task by engaging in a self-dialogic form of reflection that involves self-questioning and self-prompting, 作为一种支持理解和规划的手段. The study would utilize a pretest-posttest design and involve a series of sessions in which students work individually with re搜索ers/re搜索 assistants to learn and apply the technique while they work on common academic tasks (e.g.(阅读获取知识或写一篇文章). Participant sessions will occur in one of two formats: A portion of the sample of participants would attend these sessions in person, 而其他人则通过视频会议参加会议.  

    研究人员:博士. 里克Bryck

    外部研究员:博士. 马克·格拉夫,图罗大学 

  • 提议的目的是研究的现象 心不在焉—going off-task to internally think about something else—during educational activities in a sample of neurodivergent (defined here as individuals diagnosed with 注意力缺陷多动症, 学习障碍, 或者自闭症谱系障碍)的大学生. 走神通常被认为是影响学习和教育的负面特征. 然而, 对于神经发散型学生, 事实上,走神可能有积极的结果, 比如提供发散思维或创造性解决问题的机会. This study plans to examine 心不在焉 in an ecologically valid (classroom) setting with neurodivergent students as they read an assigned course reading. 当他们读课文的时候, 学生将收到思想探针,以评估学生是否偏离任务, 以及他们思想的其他品质(如.g.(对自己思维的元意识,以及粘性思维). 当他们阅读时, 我们将通过基于网络摄像头的注视跟踪来监控他们的互动(不收集任何识别信息), 以及交互日志, 来理解走神的特征. 研究结束后,学生将完成一个简短的岗位评估. We will examine the relationship between the content of students’ thoughts and their learning to help design ways to keep students focused and aware of their own thinking.

    研究人员:博士. 里克Bryck

  • 关于有收养和/或寄养背景的残疾大学生的研究有限. 我们所知道的是残疾学生, 采用学生, 在寄养系统中的学生的大学毕业率都比他们的同龄人低(Anderman等)., 2021; Dworsky & Perez, 2010; Newman et al., 2011). 此外, 拥有以上一种身份的学生毕业率甚至更低(德沃斯基) & 佩雷斯,2010). This re搜索 seeks to understand the college transition experiences and the development of a sense of college belonging among one group of college students with disabilities—neurodivergent students—and their experiences being adopted and/or in foster care. Thematic analysis is used to identify themes associated with their experiences and strategies that they believe would support their transition to college and development of a sense of belonging.

    研究人员:博士. 亚当Lalor, Kelly O 'Ryan, Marc Thurman和Zoë Feil

  • 这个项目是与一家教育技术公司合作的, CueThink, to implement their web-based instructional software with a large sample of schools and to test its effectiveness at improving mathematics outcomes. 该软件使用通用设计组件来支撑执行功能(EF)。, 后设认知, 和学生的话语,以帮助解决数学问题. 平台的设计和数学题的设计都是主动策划的,注重公平性. 研究将集中在EF技能(抑制)随时间的变化, WM, 灵活性), 元认知意识, 以及数学能力作为使用/效率CueThinkEF+的函数. Dr. Bryck将担任该项目的共同负责人,并领导数据收集的开发和实施, 测量, 和分析. 点击这里阅读更多. 

    Landmark College研究员:Dr. 里克Bryck

  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the range of mindsets that first-year undergraduate students with learning disabilities, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和/或自闭症倾向于数学和科学. 学生对数学和科学的心态数据, 对科学智力和个人属性的信念有助于在科学课程中取得成功, 收集他们对自己作为残疾学生身份的个人理解. Mindset data will be collected through existing batteries and the remainder of data will be collected using open-ended prompts. 参与者将从四所不同的大学/学院招募,并且必须打算主修某一科学领域, 技术, 工程, 或数学(STEM). 通过归纳主题编码, 内容分析, 和方差分析, we will analyze data to identify potential relationships between participants’ mindsets towards math/science and their personal understandings of their identity as students with learning disabilities/differences.

    研究人员:博士. 里克Bryck和Dr. 亚当Lalor Dr. Stephen Podowitz-Thomas美国杰斐逊大学化学助理教授

  • 该项目是美国国家科学基金会(NSF) INCLUDES大型资助项目的一部分, 一个由27所高等院校组成的网络 残疾学生共融联盟, 网络, 和STEM的过渡机会(TAPDINTO-STEM).

    The mission of this program is to enhance existing academic and social practices that address bias and discrimination in STEM disciplines, 为残疾人拓宽道路. 该计划将包括:学生辅导, 在STEM领域的实习和研究经历, 同时也为学生提供参加会议和研究生展的机会. 它还将包括STEM教师的专业发展, 以及伙伴机构的能力建设.

    TAPDINTO-STEM旨在为扩大STEM参与的知识库做出贡献. 参与的学生和教师将参与研究, 由项目合作伙伴共同决定. 参与的学生将有更多的机会进行研究和工作实习. 学生也将被鼓励在研究会议上发言.

    研究人员:博士. 里克Bryck和Dr. 布莱恩年轻

  • The Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) is collaborating with members of Landmark College’s Student Affairs division to conduct a qualitative evaluation of the Reach One Teach One (ROTO) program at the College. Reach One Teach One (ROTO)是一项寻求支持的大学指导计划, 指南, 赋予在校生和即将入学的非裔美国学生权力,让他们不仅能进入大学, 同时也是一个以白人为主的机构. This project is intended to explore the experiences of African American students enrolled in this pilot program to better understand how the program is unfolding from the perspective of ROTO participants. 本研究将专门探讨参与者在项目中的经历, 获得既定学术和社会情感支持的经历, 以及他们通过焦点小组的整体归属感.

    研究人员:博士. 亚当Lalor, Kelly O 'Ryan, Fabio Arnaldo Ayala和Marc Thurman

  • The Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) conducted a study of 212 colleges and universities from around the nation to better understand the experiences of disability services offices during the COVID-19 pandemic. 参与的机构代表了不同的机构类型(例如.e., 大学的博士, 硕士学院, 学士学位大学, 和大专院校), 控制(我.e.(公立与私立)、规模和残疾服务重点(i.e.(合规、服务、综合)来自不同的地理区域. Data was collected on a number of topics ranging from accommodation provision to resource allocation and staffing to lessons learned. The results of this study depict a disability services field that is nimble and able to respond to the changing needs and realities of our students and our world. 此外, the study demonstrates that disability services offices will continue to provide services and access to students with disabilities regardless of how higher education is delivered.

    研究人员:博士. 亚当Lalor和Dr. Banerjee Manju

  • Greendot标志

    The Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) is collaborating with members of Landmark College’s Student Affairs division to evaluate the efficacy of the Green Dot active bystander training for neurodiverse college students. 绿点模式的前提是,如果每个人都尽自己的一份力,并承诺承担个人责任, 其综合效果是一种不容忍暴力的安全校园文化.“本研究项目采用前后调查来评估对旁观者效能和干预意图的影响, 以及对强奸神话的接受度.

    研究人员:博士. 亚当Lalor和Kelly O 'Ryan

  • 一个人在砂岩山顶上行走并保持平衡学习方式不同(LD)的学生通常报告焦虑水平升高,主观幸福感降低, 与他们的非典型神经同龄人相比. 此外,记录在案的执行功能挑战在这些学生中比比皆是. Emerging evidence indicates relatively brief exposures to nature can have beneficial effects on both 情绪 and cognition (particularly executive function), 通过自我报告来衡量, 行为, 生理测量. 本项目旨在测量地标学院学生的感知幸福感, 情绪, 以及在城市和自然环境中散步前后的执行功能. 对于有学习困难的学生,接触大自然的潜在好处知之甚少, 尽管它可能给学生带来潜在的积极好处. 在我们的博客页面上阅读更多内容

    Landmark College研究员:Dr. 里克Bryck

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