
2024 - 2025年FAFSA

On Dec. 2020年11月27日,国会通过了《亚洲博彩平台排名》. 该法案包括了关于FAFSA简化法案的条款——对授予联邦学生资助的程序和系统进行了彻底的重新设计. Specifically, 该法律使学生和家庭更容易填写和提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA®)表格,并扩大获得联邦学生援助的机会. Due to the significant changes, the FAFSA opening date for the 2024-2025 award year will be delayed.



The 2024-25 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be pushed back from October 1, 2023, 到2023年12月的某个时候.

  • The questions that have been removed from the FAFSA effective the 2024-25 award year include, 但不限于以下内容:

    1. 学生的住房选择
    2. The student’s, spouse’s, 以及没有出现在IRS 1040表上的父母的未纳税收入, 1040-SR, 或1040-NR纳税申报表(如国税局W-2表格第12栏代码D所示的递延纳税养老金和退休储蓄计划的免税付款), E, F, G, H, and S; housing, food, 以及支付给军人的其他生活津贴, clergy, and others; etc.)
    3. 学生对联邦工作学习(FWS)就业的兴趣
    4. 按需就业的应税收入(如奖学金和助学金的按需就业部分)
    5. 不包括学生、配偶和父母的收入. 这包括在FAFSA的“附加财务信息”下报告的其他收入项目,并在前几年的需求分析中排除(如应税战斗工资), 特种作战工资, 以及合作教育项目收益). 收到的子女抚养费仍作为资产而不是收入报告.
    6. 学生的驾照号码和所在州
    7. 由学生父母完成的最高学校. 现在这个问题问的是父母是否上过大学.
    8. The college degree or certificate a student will be working on when they begin the award year
    9. 学生或家长是否提交了美国国税局附表1
    10. 失业工人的问题


    The FAFSA Simplification Act specifies which questions can be asked on the FAFSA and prohibits the U.S. 教育部(ED)不再向FAFSA询问那些在联邦学生援助中没有必要的问题.

  • A contributor is anyone who is asked to provide information on an applicant’s FAFSA including:

    • The student
    • 学生的配偶(如适用)
    • A biological or adoptive parent; or
    • 在fafsa上的再婚父母的配偶-继父母

    新的FAFSA是以学生为导向的, 这意味着学生在他们的部分的答案将决定谁将成为贡献者(除了学生). 学生将需要投稿人的名字, date of birth, 社会安全号码(SSN), and email address to invite them to complete the required portion of the FAFSA. Contributors will need to provide personal and financial information on their section of the FAFSA.

    所有的参与者都需要有一个FSA ID,并同意从IRS转移他们的联邦税务信息(FTI), have their tax data used to determine a student’s eligibility for federal student aid, 并允许美国.S. 教育部(ED)与机构和州高等教育机构分享他们的税务信息,以管理第四章援助. Consent is provided once for the award year and cannot be revoked in that award year. 即使投稿人没有社会安全号码,这个同意也是必要的, 没有报税, 或者在另一个国家报税.

    如果受供养学生的父母未婚同居, 父母双方都是贡献者, 会否有单独的金融服务管理局编号, 并且需要提供同意. 受抚养的学生,其父母提交了美国移民申请表.S. 所得税申报表 已婚人士共同报税 只需要一个家长供款人完成FAFSA. 如果学生的父母提出申请 separately, both parents will be considered contributors and therefore need separate FSA IDs, 而且双方都必须同意.

    如果独立学生结婚并单独提交, 两个人都是贡献者, 必须有FSA id, 并且必须同意学生有资格获得第四章援助.

  • Effective the 2024-25 award year, the parent of record on the FAFSA is noted below. 您会注意到,在提交FAFSA之前的过去12个月里,与学生一起生活最多的父母, 不再是离婚或父母分居的标准吗. 适用于离异或分居的父母, 收入和资产报告给提供最多经济支持的父母,即使学生不与父母住在一起或与另一位父母住在一起.

    • 共同生活的父母
      Parental income and assets in the case of students whose parents are married and not separated, 或是未婚同居的人, 应包括父母双方的收入和资产.
    • 父母离异或分居
      Parental income and assets for a student whose parents are divorced or separated, 但没有再婚, 是否只包括为学生提供大部分经济支持的父母的收入和资产.
    • 父母一方死亡
      Parental income and assets in the case of the death of any parent is determined as follows:
      (A)如果父母中的任何一方已经去世, 尚存的一方应视为单亲, 直到父母再婚.
      (B) If both parents have died, the student shall not report any parental income or assets.
    • 父母再婚
      If a parent whose income and assets are taken into account under paragraph (2), or if a parent who is a widow or widower and whose income is taken into account under paragraph (3), has remarried, 如果学生的父母和继父母在有关奖励年度的申请日期结婚,则该父母配偶的收入应包括在确定父母对调整后可用收入的评估中.
    • 没有离婚或分居的单亲父母
      如果学生的父母不在第(1)段中,并且是未离婚的单亲父母,则其父母收入和资产, separated, or remarried, 应包括该单亲家庭的收入和资产.”
  • IRS DRT将被直接数据交换(DDX)所取代。.

    • EVERYONE (students, 配偶(如适用), and parents) will need to consent to have their Federal Tax Information (FTI) imported into the FTI module.
    • 提供同意, 个人将需要使用与社会保障局(SSA)匹配的FSA ID访问FAFSA。.
    • Federal tax filers will have their tax information imported into the FTI module. 没有税收收入将转移到FAFSA, 但税务数据将被发送到FAFSA上列出的大学.
    • 非纳税申报人也必须打勾表示同意. 当IRS数据被访问时,该过程将验证非归档状态.
  • The 学生资助指数(SAI) will replace the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) on the FAFSA form. 学生和家庭将看到一种不同的衡量其支付大学费用能力的方法,并经历用于确定援助方法的变化.

    除了SAI, FAFSA简化法案将把联邦佩尔助学金扩大到更多的学生,并将资格与家庭规模和联邦贫困水平联系起来. New eligibility formulas and funding are estimated to increase Pell Grant recipients by nearly 15%. 被监禁的学生将重新获得佩尔助学金, and Pell Grant lifetime eligibility will be restored to students whose school closed while they were enrolled, 或者受到虚假证明的影响, 身份盗窃, 或者借款人防卫贷款清偿.

    Accessibility to the FAFSA has been expanded to the top 11 languages spoken by English learners in the U.S.- Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, French, Arabic, Korean, Russian, German, Haitian, and Hindi.

  • 在大学里有兄弟姐妹没有好处: Previously, the FAFSA divided the EFC proportionally based on the number of household members in college. The elimination of this “sibling discount” will be the biggest change in aid eligibility for some students. The SAI will not use the number in college as a factor in the calculation of eligibility. As such, 在大学里有兄弟姐妹的佐治亚南方大学的学生可能会看到他们在佐治亚南方大学的援助资格发生变化,以及他们在佐治亚南方大学或其他地方的兄弟姐妹获得的援助. 不再考虑大学学生人数的决定是由国会做出的,也只能由国会来改变.

  • 佩尔助学金资格将分三步确定:

    1. 最高佩尔助学金 -申请人可能有资格根据家庭规模获得最高佩尔助学金, 调整后总收入(AGI), 贫困指导方针. Students qualifying for a 最高佩尔助学金 will have an SAI between negative $1,500 (-$,1500) and $0.

    2. 学生资助指数(SAI) -不符合最高佩尔助学金资格的申请人,如果其计算的SAI低于奖学金年度的最高佩尔助学金,仍可符合资格. 全日制入学申请人的佩尔助学金将等于该奖励年度的最高佩尔助学金减去SAI. The Pell Grant will be adjusted (prorated) if an applicant enrolls in less than full time, or if the applicant’s 出勤费用 (COA) is less than the calculated Pell Grant award.

    3. 最低助学金 -申请人的SAI高于该奖学金年度的最高佩尔助学金,仍有资格获得佩尔助学金, 基于家庭规模, AGI, 贫困指导方针.

    • Non- Filers – 独立学生(和配偶), if applicable) tax non-filers and dependent children of non-filing parent (s)
    • 某些已故退伍军人和公共安全官员的子女 Students under age 33 whose parent died in the armed forces after September 11, 2001, and or students under age 33 whose parent (s) died in the line of duty as a public safety officer

    自动佩尔助学金基于收入,家庭和规模: Families making less than 175% and single parents making less than 225% of the 联邦贫困水平 会看到他们的学生得到最高的分数吗 联邦佩尔助学金 award. 最低助学金s will be guaranteed to students from households below 275%, 325%, 350%, 或者是联邦贫困线的400%, 取决于家庭结构. Pell awards between the maximum and minimum amounts will be determined by SAI.

    一旦年度联邦佩尔助学金确定, 奖学金的一半将在奖学金年度的每个学期发放,并将根据入学强度而不是入学人数按比例发放.

    Credit Hours 注册级别(老) 亚洲博彩平台排名强度(新)
    12 (or more) 全职(100%) 100%
    11 四分之三时间(75%) 92%
    10 83%
    9 75%
    8 半场(50%) 67%
    7 58%
    6 50%
    5 Less-Than-Half-Time (25%) 42%
    4 33%
    3 25%
    2 17%
    1 8%
  • Previously, 符合佩尔助学金条件的学生必须在支付期内至少注册了一半时间,在此期间他们获得了超过100%的计划奖励. Beginning with the 2024-2025 award year, half-time enrollment is no longer required.

  • 包括家庭农场或小企业:必要时, 家庭现在将报告其农场或企业的价值. 虽然国会还在继续讨论这个问题, it will be required to be reported for appropriate families on the 2024-25 FAFSA and can influence the SAI.

  • 特殊情况学生的定义为:

    由于特殊情况,由财政援助管理员出具独立证明的学生, 是什么阻碍了学生联系家长. 这些情况可能包括-

    • human trafficking, as described in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.)
    • legally granted refugee or asylum status and are separate from their parents, 或者他们的父母在国外流离失所
    • 被父母遗弃或疏远而未被收养的
    • 虐待或威胁环境或
    • student or parental incarceration and contact with parents would pose a risk to the student.


    • 都是现役军人
    • 是美国的老兵吗.S. Armed Forces
    • Were an orphan, ward of the court, or in foster care at the age of 13 or older
    • 在学生的合法居住国,是否有或曾经有法律上被解放的未成年人或在法院的监护下
    • Are a student unaccompanied and either homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless

    从2024-25年度开始, 首次申请和续签的申请人如果在FAFSA表格上表明他们有特殊情况,将被授予临时独立身份. They will be able to complete the form without providing parental information. 他们还将收到联邦学生援助资格的评估, which will be subject to a final determination by the institution they attend. 如果学生所在机构同意他们的特殊情况, their independent status will carry over when they renew their FAFSA form in future award years, 只要他们留在同一所学校,他们的情况没有改变,他们就会被认为是独立的.

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